What is it all about?

Who am I? Isn’t this a question we constantly ask ourselves?

The short answer for me is;

Misspent youth, degree in electronics, highflying career in digital TV technology, and now a budding author.

Living with my family near Sacramento, in northern California, I am trying to live the quiet life. I like to hang out in libraries, bookstores, and pubs (if I can get the chance).

Having worked as a software engineer, documentation was always a large part of my career. Since I contributed so many documents, and because my head was always full of stories, I thought writing books would be easy. Anyone who has tried to write fiction will understand that this is not so. My advice to fellow budding authors is to seek shelter with local writing groups.

Nowadays, in between my time writing, I work odd jobs. You are as likely to see me packing your groceries or stacking the shelves at the local supermarket, or gardening. If you see me in the library and ask nicely, I will even sign a copy of my book for you.

So what is my genre?

If you haven’t guessed already, my genre is science fiction, but the story does not end there. For instance my first novel, Girl Electric, can also be argued as Speculative Fiction. This is because it is set in the modern day (no space ships or aliens) and is a parable on what is likely to happen with the progress of human technology. Feel free to comment on this, I would love to hear your opinions.

My point about genre is; SciFi is my focus, but I reserve the right to write in different genres.

In my life I always broke the mould, I don’t see any reason to change.

I have also written an historical novel, based on a true World War 2 adventure. Check out my book on the ORP Orzel. This manuscript is also complete, and I will be working to publish this in the new year.

Did I mention that I’m interested in romance? OMG! Can guys be interested in that sort of stuff? You bet your last buck we can! I don’t intend to put any erotica in there (ok, maybe a little) but I won’t mention any colors – no matter what the shade!

Stay tuned!